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They're all so suspicious man, I bet all of them are gonna be part of it somehow

conan trying to escape in this epsiode is so cute

strange guy • 1 year ago

Lol 😂 ,great

Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago


9:34 He was literally just standing there??

Man this episode is kinda all over the place. Like they'll be doing a thing and then it'll just stop and Conan will come and narrate like "and then a case happened" Just straight into it like no build up

20:30 What else did he think was gonna happen?

Ok I'm glad it doesn't seem like either of the two we met in the beginning r the culprit cuz that would've been literally so obvious. I don't have much of a clue who it is which is nice. I think it's the guy whose alibi was proven first tho

Satilinethejay • 4 months ago

10:34, Kogoro speaking facts. 16:45, why did she react like that? Maybe she saw him somewhere else? 22:11, so they both think the other killed him so they're both lying?

Sekai • 2 years ago

The ed sounds the same as the "My Bestfriend" op of Conan!!! Though, it's just the beginning part

strange guy • 1 year ago

Lol 😂

Shane_003 • 2 years ago

I thought that was easy kindergarten level until they reacted like that